Btc lifepath 2055 w

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The fund is actively managed active investment strategies.

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The Fund seeks to provide long-term investors with an asset allocation strategy designed to maximize assets for retirement consistent with the risk that. Fund. Investment Objective. The investment objective of BlackRock W Any existing account that is updated to reflect a non-U.S. address will also be. The fund allocates and reallocates its assets among a combination of equity and bond index funds and money market funds (the "underlying funds") in.
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Lipper Category Avg. Read More. Overall Lipper Leaders ratings based on an equal-weighted average of percentile ranks for each measure over 3-, 5-, and year periods if applicable and do not take into account the effects of sales charges for these categories Consistent Return, Preservation, Total Return, Expense, and Tax Efficiency as of Jan 31, out of , 4,, , and Funds, respectively in Lipper's Mixed-Asset Target Funds classification. Performance results reflect past performance and are no guarantee of future results. Advisors I invest on behalf of my clients.